Born of a Liverpool taste for variety and drama, ‘Storm and Golden Sky’ offers literary high style from across the poetic landscape; experimental, lyric, performance and all that is in-between, and brings them, two at a time, hand by hand, into the city bounds for a reading series which revels in the intensities of our art.
Programmed by a collective of Liverpool-based poets, Michael Egan, Nathan Jones, Robert Sheppard and Eleanor Rees, we aim for a literary experience felt in your bones as juxtaposition and surprise correspondence. New metaphors will be forged, similarities caught, trajectories flown.
Invited poets will read for substantial half-hour sets introduced by new works from the collective.
Storm and Golden Sky tumblr
Next up 27th June Holly Pester and Evan Jones
18th July Niall Campbell and tbc
And monthly thereafter…
Readings start at 7.00pm on the dot in the upstairs room of The Caledonia. £5 entry. And free mag! Arrive early to get drink and the best seats.
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