
Research and Essays

Dr Eleanor Rees has an AHRC funded PhD in Creative Writing Poetry at the University of Exeter supervised by poet and critic, Dr Andy Brown. Her practice-based thesis is ‘Making Connections’: The Work of the Local Poet’. https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/handle/10871/17210

Eleanor’s academic interests encompass Post-humanism, New-Materialist Philosophy and Anthropology, Emergence Theory and Becoming, Environmental Politics, Poetry and Well-Being, Archipelagic British Literature, Regional Modernism, Place and Space, Liverpool Literary Traditions, Oral Poetry, Poetry in Performance, Localism and Municipal Socialism, Posthumanism.

Eleanor is currently interested in the ‘poetry as a way of knowing’ and creative non-fiction approaches to contemporary theoretical questions.

Poetry is a form of thought.

Professor Rosi Braidotti has contributed an afterword to Eleanor’s most recent collection of poetry The Well at Winter Solstice.

Eleanor is senior lecturer in Creative Writing at Liverpool Hope University.

If you are an academic researcher or poet and any of this chimes with your interests please do get in touch. reeseleanor@hotmail.com