Eleanor read her newly commissioned poem ‘St James’s at 3 am’ and other new poems at ‘Tonight at Noon’: a celebration of fifty years of The Mersey Sound at the Bluecoat Arts Centre in June. The reading also included poets Andrew McMillan, Lizzie Nunnery, Deryn Rees-Jones, Paul Farley and Brian Patten.
Photo left to right: Eleanor Rees, Brian Patten, Lizzie Nunnery, Andrew McMillan.
Eleanor was also invited to read her poem ‘Bridie’s Tomb’ at the launch of the ‘Women on Brexit’ Special Issue of Poem Magazine. The launch was held in the House of Commons. Eleanor’s poem brings the voices of the female ghosts of St James’s Cemetery, Liverpool into the Brexit debate. http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rpom20/current
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